Guidelines for Submissions
For the academic blog
At the blog of The Gavel Labs, we welcome submissions for educational, argumentative and research (Primary, secondary and white-papers) pieces in the fields on law, politics, economics, finance and similar disciplines from the social sciences.
All submitted pieces must formatted as PDFs (Font size 12, Times New Roman) and uploaded to Google Drive. The link to the file must then be shared with us via this Email ID (linked) only. For all pieces, objective evidence from reputed sources must be included in the articles itself for all claims made and arguments advanced, cited and referenced in either the MLA or APA format.
We are also looking for Graphic Designers and Social Media Managers to help us develop our presence online. Graphic Designers can make submissions of their artwork (Cover images for social media posts, infographics, etc.) as mentioned above. Social Media Managers looking to work with us are requested to Email us your resume.
For the Student Resource Hub
At the Student Resource Hub of The Gavel Labs (read more about this here), we aim to create a platform for high school and university students to share their own study material and increase access to helpful free resources around the internet. Students with a strong academic performance are welcome and requested to submit their notes, flashcards, mind maps, answered tests, essays, laboratory reports, book reports and any other material they have used in their academic pursuits as well as links to any free resources they have accessed from the internet. All submitted work will be credited entirely though you may also chose to make anonymous submissions. Please note that sharing pirated or illegally obtained resources on The Gavel Labs will not be tolerated. All submitted pieces must be uploaded to Google Drive. The link to the file must then be shared with us via this Email ID (linked) only.
Reach out to us!
At the Gavel Labs, some of our pieces are argumentative and opinionated. We welcome your constructive criticism and comments on our pieces. Please reach out to us using the form on the right side! If you feel our arguments are not completely informed, biased or ignorant of certain perspectives, or would like to refute or challenge any of our stances through an article, please write us an Email at thegavellabs@gmail.com. We will respond to as much feedback and criticism as possible, and will publish (with the author’s consent) outstanding arguments that intend to refute the position we have taken.
If you have recommendations for content or any feedback, please to contact us via the form on the right.